R R.package !!!ngram *文字列をn-gramに切り分ける {{outline}} *https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ngram/index.html ---- !注 *一文一行になってないと、文をまたいでn-gramを生成してしまう。 !データの読み込み *テキストファイルの読み込み readLines() *特定のフォルダー内の、特定の拡張子のファイルを一度に読み込む multiread() multiread(パス, extention="拡張子") !大文字小文字・句読点の前処理 preprocess() preprocess(データ, case="lower", remove.punct=T) !tmパッケージとの関連 *tmパッケージでは、データは、「Corpus object」という特殊なフォーマットのデータフレームになっている *ngramのプログラムはそのデータを直接扱えない *以下のような命令で読み込む concatenate(lapply(データ , "[", 1) ) !n-gramの作成 ngram(データ, n=グラム数) *作成されたものは、独自の「ngramオブジェクト」として保存される。 !作成されたn-gramオブジェクト全体の出力 print(オブジェクト, output="full") *output="truncated" とすると、全部は出ない。 !一覧表形式で出力 get.phrasetable(オブジェクト) *入れ子式にすると便利 get.phrasetable(ngram(テキストデータ, n=グラム数)) !n-gram表現を個別にすべて出力 get.ngrams(オブジェクト) *入れ子式にすると便利 get.ngrams(ngram(テキストデータ, n=グラム数)) !以下古いメモ {{pre install.packages("ngram") library(ngram) > sample <- "I often hear that death penalty is reasonable for people whose family member or friend is killed by someone." > get.ngrams(ngram(sample)) [1] "death penalty" "is reasonable" "hear that" "friend is" "is killed" "for people" "whose family" [8] "by someone." "often hear" "people whose" "that death" "killed by" "I often" "member or" [15] "or friend" "family member" "reasonable for" "penalty is" > > get.ngrams(ngram(preprocess(sample, remove.punct=TRUE))) [1] "death penalty" "is reasonable" "hear that" "friend is" "is killed" "i often" "for people" [8] "whose family" "often hear" "people whose" "by someone" "that death" "killed by" "member or" [15] "or friend" "family member" "reasonable for" "penalty is" > print(ngram(preprocess(sample, remove.punct=TRUE)), output="full") death penalty | 1 is {1} | is reasonable | 1 for {1} | hear that | 1 death {1} | friend is | 1 killed {1} | is killed | 1 by {1} | i often | 1 hear {1} | for people | 1 whose {1} | whose family | 1 member {1} | often hear | 1 that {1} | people whose | 1 family {1} | by someone | 1 NULL {1} | that death | 1 penalty {1} | killed by | 1 someone {1} | member or | 1 friend {1} | or friend | 1 is {1} | family member | 1 or {1} | reasonable for | 1 people {1} | penalty is | 1 reasonable {1} |