{{outline}} !!!Stanford Parser https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/lex-parser.shtml *Probabilistic Natural Language Parser **PCFG (Probabilistic Context Free Grammar) 確率的文脈自由文法 *オンライン・デモ http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/parser/ http://corenlp.run/ *参考文献 https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/lex-parser.shtml#Citing !!Stanford Dependencies https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-dependencies.html *Universal Dependencies v1 http://universaldependencies.org/docsv1/ *Universal Dependencies v2 https://universaldependencies.org/ *Neural-network dependency parser https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/nndep.html !SD for English https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-dependencies.html#English *マニュアル https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/dependencies_manual.pdf !Typed Dependencies *約50の文法関係 **governor (head) と dependent の二項関係 *品詞は[Penn Treebank|https://www.ling.upenn.edu/courses/Fall_2003/ling001/penn_treebank_pos.html] {{pre acomp: adjectival complement advcl: adverbial clause modifier advmod: adverb modifier agent: agent amod: adjectival modifier appos: appositional modifier aux: auxiliary auxpass: passive auxiliary cc: coordination ccomp: clausal complement conj: conjunct cop: copula csubj: clausal subject csubjpass: clausal passive subject dep: dependent det: determiner discourse: discourse element dobj: direct object expl: expletive goeswith: goes with(本来はつなげるところ間違って2語にしたもの with out) iobj: indirect object mark: marker mwe: multi-word expression(一語扱いがふさわしい連語 as well as) neg: negation modifier nn: noun compound modifier npadvmod: noun phrase as adverbial modifier nsubj: nominal subject nsubjpass: passive nominal subject num: numeric modifier number: element of compound number parataxis: parataxis pcomp: prepositional complement pobj: object of a preposition poss: possession modifier possessive: possessive modifier preconj: preconjunct predet: predeterminer prep: prepositional modifier prepc: prepositional clausal modifier prt: phrasal verb particle punct: punctuation quantmod: quantifier phrase modifier rcmod: relative clause modifier ref : referent root: root tmod: temporal modifier vmod: reduced non-finite verbal modifier xcomp: open clausal complement xsubj: controlling subject }} !Dependency Representation *依存関係出力の際の表示形式のいろいろ +Basic +Collapsed +Propagation +Collapsed Tree *List of two-word prepositions that the system can collapse {{pre according to as per compared to instead of preparatory to across from as to compared with irrespective of previous to ahead of aside from due to next to prior to along with away from depending on near to pursuant to alongside of based on except for off of regardless of apart from because of exclusive of out of subsequent to as for close by contrary to outside of such as as from close to followed by owing to thanks to as of contrary to inside of preliminary to together with }} *List of three-word prepositions that the system can collapse {{pre by means of in case of in place of on behalf of with respect to in accordance with in front of in spite of on top of in addition to in lieu of on account of with regard to }} !!使い方 *プログラム言語はJAVA *文法データファイル含めて300MB弱 *具体的には以下の記事参照 https://qiita.com/krang/items/6e34c595ac77e46c3650