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  • テキストファイルを指定して、語彙頻度一覧表を出力する。


WordFreqList <- function(i, decreasing = F) {
  # 2019-12-28 sugiura@nagoya-u.jp
  lines.tmp <- scan(i, what="char")
  body.lower <- tolower(lines.tmp)
  body.token <- unlist(strsplit(body.lower, "\\W"))
  word.list <- sort(body.token)
  word.list <- word.list[word.list != ""]
  word.freq <- table(word.list)
  if(decreasing != F){
    word.df <- as.data.frame(word.freq)
    word.df[order(word.df$Freq, decreasing=T), ]


> WordFreqList("JAN0001_P1B.txt")
Read 192 items
       word.list Freq
1              a    3
2          about    1
3       academic    1
4            all    1
5         always    1
6            and    1
7       anything    1
8            are    2
9             be    1
10       because    2
11        become    2
12        better    2
13           big    1
14         bload    3
15            by    1
16           can    3
17        common    1

オプションで、降順「decreasing = T」を指定すると、高頻度順に出力する。

> WordFreqList("JAN0001_P1B.txt", decreasing = T)
Read 192 items
       word.list Freq
92            to   11
107          you   11
57           not    6
40            is    5
44     knowledge    5
78   specialized    5
22            do    4
41            it    4
1              a    3
14         bload    3
16           can    3
31           get    3
60            of    3
86          that    3
8            are    2
10       because    2


> WordFreqList(choose.files(), decreasing = T)
Read 237 items
       word.list Freq
17           can    8
105         they    8
127        young    8
75           not    7
85        person    7
46          have    6
51             i    5
77            of    5
102        their    5
9            and    4
10           are    4
78           old    4
100         that    4
108         this    4
110         time    4
112           to    4
121         with    4
16           but    3
27        enough    3
36          free    3
39        future    3
48           his    3
54            is    3
55            it    3
84        people    3
94            so    3
4         active    2
11            at    2